воскресенье, 23 декабря 2012 г.


Суматошно сейчас. Сегодня очень хотелось накричать на кого-нибудь и казалось, что нос забит пылью. Когда в моей комнате удобный мне непыльный беспорядочный порядок, мне спокойно.  Я прихожу домой и смотрю фильмы, а еще придумываю подарки на новый год. 
Сегодня мама передала именинный подарок от тети, это пряничный домик, который надо собрать самому. Сделаю его ребятам.

5 комментариев:

  1. Hell-o Muffin-chan,

    Sorry, it's in English again. I contemplate learning Russian, but I haven't found the time yet.

    Tell me Muffin, can you read in my mind? I was about to suggest a new layout for your blog (the old one was rather dull) and... you changed the layout before I said anything O.o

    Anyway, the new color scheme is nice. It looks a bit like the colors of a red fox.

    Not sure about the washing machines though. Hm, what's the deep symbolic meaning of a washing machine? :)

  2. Thank you for all your replies below. You're a surprising girl :) I'll answer here if you don't mind.

    OK, first off, about your awards, it seems to me you won something at Otaku-Fest 2011 (the Nausicaa costume), didn't you?

    (By the way, I'm still very fond of your Kiki and Nausicaa cosplays. Your green Kiki was my desktop background for a very long time. I mean this photo.)

    About Xarimau 2011, well, never mind. There's no need to be embarrassed, nobody takes this kind of show too seriously. Besides, we all do silly things :)

    Regarding the info that I need to send you, if you want to communicate by email, fine by me. Some time ago, you gave an address on DeviantArt, the one starting by "muffincrazy..." Is it still valid?

    Don't worry about your English, it's good enough. You have the right to make mistakes, so relax. Your interface will be in Russian anyway, if you want. And if you have any kind of problem, you can always send me a note and I'll handle it myself. On the forum, I'm your Dad, OK? Well, sort of :)

    Will you make your avatar or should I make it for you?

  3. Wishing a very merry Christmas to the Most Beautiful Muffin in the world :)
    Sending you lots of warm feelings from Paris.

    (You can reply to my comments in Russian if you wish, I'll try to figure out what you mean.)

    1. Well, it is simple for me to understand english, but I' m sure I make grammatical mistakes quite often. And maybe that sounds strange, but it is simplier to answer in english for english messages :)

      Oh, personally, I wanted to change the background for a long time, but I couldn' t find new one, which would be suitable for my spirit :) Anyway, the old one started to bore me a lot, so I changed to this for some time - I like the colours, but the washing mashine is quite strange choice, I suppose :)

      About Nausicaa - I didn`t win anything with this costume, I only participated in cosplay-show (You can watch the video of the performance here).

      No, this one is invalid - valid one is viryzzz@gmail.com (this was one of my first e-mail adresses, so it is kind of silly).

      Thank you very much! If I need some help on the forum, I' ll just ask you :)

      O, I can handle it myself :) Which resolution should it be?

      Thank you again and Joyeux Noёl to you!

      P.S. For the next two days I' ll be offline for sure. Sorry, and up to the thursday.

      - Muffin.

  4. OK, I noted the email address, you should edit or delete your message now.

    Avatars are 150x150 pixels, JPEG, best quality possible. Ghibli characters or backgrounds only (please).
    Here's a screenshot to let you see the quality.

    Ah, that video of you as Nausicaa, I've watched it nearly every day for 2 years :)

    I'm going offline myself. I'll contact you again early in January, Muffin-Chan.
    Meri Kerimasu and Happy New Year!


    PS: Thank your for the photo of the Nadia cosplay. Very nice indeed.
    PPS: Oh, you know how to use HTML tags. Clever girl :)
