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Акаши-сан. |
А я вчера шла по Петроградской и вспоминала, что два года назад делала то же самое, только с рюкзаком, в котором лежали материалы для платья Акаши-сан.
На этот раз в рюкзаке лежали (как прозаично) материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ.
Прикинув, куда бы мне хотелось прогуляться, я выстроила в голове незатейливый маршрутик и направилась вперед. Переходя через Карповку, я почувствовала так любимый мной запах оттаявшей то ли земли, то ли водрослей в воде и что-то переключилось. По пути я зашла в "Штолле", где съела кусок пирога с сыром и грибами (без сыра не было) и почему-то написала в блокноте, что если в первом подвернувшемся салоне красоты меня подстригут, то я подстригусь. Меня подстригли (коротко-коротко) и мне cтало очень весело.
Это очень хорошая повседневность.
А, точно! Самокат стоит велосипеда-таки.
Well, at least you didn't say "NIET" :)
ОтветитьУдалить(It always makes me smile that the first word you ever said to me was "niet"...)
I won't be upset if you don't reply to my comments, Muffin-chan. I just wanted to make sure that I'm not annoying you with my presence.
(The above comment was in reply to your previous post, but blogspot wouldn't let me post it there.)
ОтветитьУдалитьIf I understood correctly, you're taking exams? If that's the case, good luck with them. I'm sending you my fox-magic :)
I saw your new hair style (on Twitter), it's pretty cute.
I've been wondering what you will look like later, when you become Muffin-san. Perhaps you'll look a bit like Ash in Oshii's Avalon. (I love her slavic features.)
I wonder what's happening in that scene of Tatami Galaxy... (I never watched the series, I was a bit put off by the style.)
Oh, you removed the banner (the painting by Jun Kumaori.)
ОтветитьУдалитьYou used that picture in one of your old blogs, back in 2012. Let me see... It's here. January 11th 2012.
Gosh, I hope you're not feeling that way any more... 8(
Nah, Kumaori is still there. My bad. My browser is playing tricks on me.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnyway, Muffin-chan, check out Priscilla Ahn, I think you'll like her. She might perform the song in the next Ghibli (Marnie).
She's releasing an album in Japanese (mostly). There are excerpts here.
Great new photo of you on VK! You look good in violet (fuchsia? plum? wine?). The color is a little melancholy, but it's very romantic and it suits you well. That said, the most beautiful thing in all your photos is always your smile :)
I hope you're enjoying your life. The good times you have now (I mean around 20 years of age) will remain with you all your life and will protect you. Your mother probably told you that already...
Take care, and good luck with whatever you're doing.
PS: I'm going offline for some time, but... we'll meet again. I have plans for you ;)